Project Description
The SFSU Science Lab project serves to expand the Department of Chemistry at San Francisco State University by providing new lab spaces for education and research. The design team was tasked with retrofitting the new lab spaces into a campus building constructed in the 1950’s. With safety as the main concern, Byrens Kim Design Works collaborated with SFSU to carefully merge the new systems with the existing infrastructure. The containment of chemicals and associated fumes played a major role in the renovation process. The final system significantly upgrades the mechanical and lighting efficiency and reduces the exhaustive use of energy.
The timeline of this project was expedited in order to meet a deadline for the start of the 2016 Spring semester. From the project launch in late October 2014, the design, approval, and construction was completed in less than 15 months. Various elements of Lean Construction methodologies were implemented to promote design collaboration under the expedited schedule, including value and scope prioritization as well as full planning sessions during the construction phase. The success of this project is due to the collaboration amongst on-campus participants, builders, and the design team. The result is a collection of clean, safe, efficient lab spaces that support an active learning environment.